Motivated Employees,
Better Communities.

When we get leadership right, motivated employees bring their creativity to business challenges, and their happiness to society.

There are many ways to get outcomes. You can use policies & performance goals, and you can incentivize with bonuses. These tactics attempt to drive employee behavior. But what if employees were self-driven towards those outcomes? What if they were motivated?

That’s what we want for you. Motivated Outcomes

More motivation.
More innovation.

Many companies are in danger of slipping behind their competition. The reason? Poor leadership inside the organization is making disengagement and turnover high. New talent gets harder to find as the company's reputation on sites like Glassdoor begin to sink. Innovation suffers and employees become "clock-punchers."

The hidden costs of these types of outcomes are much higher than most companies imagine. It's all preventable.

We’re here to change what leadership means.

The employee-first leadership philosophy has been around since the 1950's. Decades of teaching and research shows that it results in better outcomes for all. Yet, companies continue to get leadership wrong. Employees are quitting and leaving. Worse, they're quitting and staying.

If you're tired of paying expensive consulting firms to dispense the same, tired advice, schedule time with us to discuss a better way.

Are you ready to challenge your thinking?

Explore this site to learn about our beliefs and the general process we follow to increase engagement. Most importantly, check out our 21st Century Leadership Manifesto. We believe a successful engagement starts with being open to these core ideas. While every company is unique, there are universal truths about being human that apply to all work environments. If you agree, let’s chat.

Now Available!

One bad leader is all that it takes to slowly poison a company to death.

If you’ve got poisonous leaders, or perhaps you’ve unintentionally become one, this book is the antidote. Use the Buy Now link below to receive $10 off the retail price by buying directly from the printer!

One Drop of Poison: How One Bad Leader Can Slowly Kill Your Company
Lemson, Sean

Selected as one of CEO Magazine’s Top 5 Books on Principled Leadership!

  • "Sean asks me questions that lead me to see a challenge from a completely different perspective. One that grows me as a person and as a leader."

    Ron Forrester, Former VP, Nike

  • "Both visionary and pragmatic, strategic and tactical, left-brained and right-brained. Sean provided the complete package to my team and our wider organization."

    Matt Turner, Cisco

  • "Sean has the hard-won experience and grit to take the most dysfunctional teams and turn them into high performers. Always professional, diligent, and thorough."

    Cliff Milbank, Program Director, Nike

  • In my 25-year career leading teams at Fortune 500 and Global Consulting firms, I’ve had many different forms of leadership training. Sean’s coaching has been the absolute best investment. He’s challenged my hardened patterns that have completely up-leveled how I lead my team.

    Teresa Rokos, Nike

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